Thursday, January 21, 2016

Homemade Sinus Congestion Bath Salts

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 There is nothing that I hate more than feeling congested. I always feel so helpless and there is only so many hot showers I can take and only so much vapor rub I can apply. So, I decided to try making bath salts for sinus congestion.  There are several ways to make this recipe, so feel free to make it your own.

What you need:
 1 Cup of Epsom Salt
1/2 Cup of baking soda
An airtight container (I used a Starbucks bottle)
Peppermint essential oils
Eucalyptus essential oils
Lavender essential oils
Optional: blue & green food coloring

Simply mix the Epsom salt and baking soda together. Then add food coloring, if desired. I wanted a blue/green color so I added about 5-7 drops of each color.  I used a wisk rather than a spoon. It seemed to break up the clumps easier. But, either will work. 

Once mixed thoroughly, add your essential oils.  I like my bath salt a little stronger smelling so I add 10 drops of each oil, eucalyptus, peppermint and lavender. You can always use less.  If you are unsure, start with 5-7 drops of each oils and then decide from there.

Happy Soaking!



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